
The view from our front door – with St James’ Hospital on the horizon
Statistically* it’s one of the most deprived areas of the country – but Chapeltown’s real wealth lies in its diverse and distinctive population. This is our home, we’ve lived here for decades and our experience is of a wonderfully diverse and vibrant area full of people who want to make things happen and want to take control of improving their lives.
We believe cohousing is one way of creating a local neighbourhood that works.
- A diverse and supportive community
- A place that brings together families and single people across generations
- Affordable, low-energy housing that residents help to design
- Plenty of green space, with room for playing, relaxing and food-growing
- Excellent shared facilities for the whole community
- A safe place for the kids to play
- Shared responsibility for community decisions
- Easy access to a bookable car-club vehicle.
Cohousing is more than just a nice idea. It’s a conscious attempt to find a better way of living – better for ourselves, our neighbours, our society and our planet.
One of the main motivations behind those of us currently involved in Chapeltown Cohousing is the desire to be part of a genuinely caring community, where neighbours are looking out for each other and enjoying doing things together.
The site
ChaCo has acquired a 1 hectare site from Leeds City Council, who are supportive of the idea of a second cohousing project in Leeds, following the success of the award-winning Lilac cohousing in Bramley, which launched in 2013.

Here’s the site that we’re developing alongside our partners, Unity Housing. ChaCo has the land to the west, while Unity have the land to the east.